JSS - Johannes Segitz Systemberatung

Professional pentesting, not just a ISO 27001 paperwork mill

Finding the right way for you

Security isn’t easy. It doesn’t matter if you have a big environment, grown over decades or start anew with a project. You have to make decisions that impact the security of your environment. Most of the time there’s no perfect, one size fits all approach to a given problem, but you need to decide how to navigate the risks of modern IT. I can help you with that by bringing in the mindset and skills of the attackers that you will face.

Pentesting services

Our Services


Only very few companies can get by having no knowledge about IT security if they operate in the IT field. I offer...

Vulnerability response

Responding to vulnerabilities can be difficult. If a report is mishandled it can result in negative publicity and...

Security review

Unless you have a mature software development process it’s likely that you don’t take security into...


Even small organizations face the risk of being attacked. While the risk increase with the value of your assets and your...