

You want to build up knowledge in your company?

Only very few companies can get by having no knowledge about IT security if they operate in the IT field. I offer trainings for various IT security topics

Web security

Many systems either offer their functionality primarily via the web or have some functionality (e.g. administrative interfaces) exposed there.

I offer trainings adjusted directly to the level of knowledge that currently exists on you team. Rangning from introducing users to basic security concepts when using the web to guidance for seasoned developers on what to look out for when developing applications.

Introduction to secure programming

Procing secure code isn’t about using one tool and then calling it a day. It requires trained developers and a process that is optimized to consider security at every step of the way.

I teach classes for newly formed teams to teach them a security mindset up to experienced teams that want to dive into specialised topics.

Request your topic

I’m happy to develop trainings based on the exact needs of you organization. Please contact me.